Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Sunny Day at Wilton

Friday, 25 April was Wilton Day for Gardent Week. Sarah, Mindy, Betty and I greeted more than 1000 people that came to see the remarkable house. Somethimes the line numbered 45-50 waiting to come in the front door. Many people commented that they had passed the house for eyars and always wanted to see inside.

Mr. Ballentyne held court in varios places on the grounds--sharing his views, his family stories and his reading of the history of Wilton.

The Garden Club gussied up the place with flowers on the mantel and in the corners. There was even a little lamb that sat on the well.

And with any luck--the future owner of Wilton was in the crowd, is dialing the phone and calling Sarah to write a contract and begin the restoration. Maybe five years from now a newly restored Wilton will be open for Garden Week 2013!

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