Friday, June 22, 2012

Tobacco Barns Preliminary Survey Adventures

This fall we plan to begin the full survey of tobacco barns in Pittsylvania County. While most of the tobacco barns were built using rough cut logs with clay daubing between, the barns also display many differences.   

The barn above has two diamond-shaped vents cut in the top planks and an abandoned VW Beetle guarded by cows

Old fingerprints in the clay daubing

Tobacco packhouse with donkey in background

Later stone foundation repair with donkey on guard behind trees

Two tobacco barns in a field of new tobacco plants

Caused by lightning?

Mr. Mahan standing beside a tobacco stringer under one of his barns

If you or anyone you know is interested in helping out with the survey, please contact us!


Jean Huets said...

Beautiful! Especially the pic of the two barns. Brings back memories of my grandparents' country in piedmont NC, where the dirt is even redder.

Unknown said...

Hi Jean,
Thank you for the comment. Let us know if you would like more information on our tobacco barns project.

American Barns said...

Hey there Sonja, those were sure nice captures of barns, the tobacco barns just perfectly look different but beautiful, I've never seen one of that type before, and I was really hoping someday to see and visit one. That lightning effect to the tree real? Pretty scary!