Friday, September 30, 2011

Scotchtown Pumphouse Roof Damage

The pumphouse at Scotchtown was struck by a decaying tree, breaking quite a few of the cement roof tiles on the side closest to the sheep pen. Upon removing the damaged tiles, it was revealed that the roof had been leaking long before hurricane Irene struck it. She may have actually done Preservation Virginia a favor in the revealing. As the photo reveals, the plywood sheathing and the felt paper of the 1987 structure was badly decayed. This is not a good sign, as there was no evidence of the roof failure from visually inspecting the tiles. It causes some consternation to think what might be occurring to the other outbuildings.
An inspection of the concrete tiles that were left over from the other builing roofs showed that the tiles, which were stored outside, were not in reliably good shape to use. The steel reinforcing wires had rusted and expanded, creating invisible fractures that only revealed themselves under pressure. The decision was made to entirely replace the roof sheathing, rake boards,and trim boards. New felt paper and 30 year asphalt architectural shingles(color-"Brownwood") were installed, as shown in the second photo. It took the department one week to remove and replace the roof. Material costs were under $350. The roof was just over one square in size.

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